Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Tag, I'm It

I'm guessing this is the equivalent of an "all about you" e-mail. I got tagged so...

“Each player of this game starts with 6 weird things about himself or herself. People who get tagged need to write a blog entry of their own as well as state the rule clearly. In the end, you need to tag 6 people as well and list their names. Don’t forget to let them know they’ve been tagged!”

I thought about it for a few minutes.... and realized I didn't know what the hell to write so here, meet fat rolls 1-5...I'm guessing you didn't know just how fat I really was. Consider yourself enlightened.
Oh and number 6... I hate shit like this. If you send me a chain letter I will not forward it. If you send me inspirational e-mails that instruct me to reply back to you in some fashion, I won't do it. And god forbid, you send me some crap that says something like "true friends are hard to find, send this to everyone and their fucking sister and something great will happen", trust me when I tell you, I will error on the side of inviting disaster.

No disrespect to those that started it-I still love y'alls.

And you guessed right, I'm sitting on my hands, I've taken my ball and gone home, I will not be tagging anyone. Smooches!


Anonymous said...

yeah. sorry about that.

Maria said...

It's all good Mike!

Soapin' Cindy said...

Oh my God!! You really were a chunky monkey there sister! BTW--I am NEVER posting my fat pictures...but I don't think I was that fat. Maybe I'll post some of my dike butch haircut pictures sometime. I get a real kick out of them. I know what you mean about those sappy chain e-mails that say something good (or bad) is going to happen if you dare to break the chain. I'll break it everytime...however, in this case, I did get to see these very enlightened former pictures of a very ample Maria. Let's keep you on the trails sister! :-0

Anonymous said...


You owe her some dinner or something for that one! Don't talk about how she LOOKED! Talk about how damn good she LOOKS now! You are a chick you should know that! You would kill me if I said something like that to you!

Maria said...

Aw thanks Mike but she speaks the truth! I can't get mad at her for that...

Principal 007 who made it into 2008 said...

Oh wow!!!! I think I'm in love with the runner named Maria! She can be thin or thick, it does not matter in the least bit!!!!!

I dare Red to post her pics! I triple dead dog dare her!!!!!

Anonymous said...

"...but I don't think I was that fat"

who says that??? are you socially retarded?

have you met Maria??? she is gorgeous no matter what weight she is!

I call Jealous Sabatuer!!!