Tuesday, June 19, 2007

I hate bugs

I won't be able to get any running in this weekend due to a string of previously scheduled booze filled engagements so I was forced to double up two of my shorter runs this morning. I woke up way too freakin' early just so I could fit it in before work. The silence and darkness of the park met me at the ungodly hour of 5 am. Suprisingly the fear I had wasn't for the would be deranged rapists waiting in the woods but for the creatures that always seem to be lurking in that pre-dawn hour. As I ran I saw the glow of little eyes and realized that maybe this wasn't the best idea in the world but I was there and those 12 miles had to get done sometime and I gotta tell you-Cleveland's afternoon humidity isn't something I really feel like fucking around with so this morning was the most viable answer.

Surprisingly though, the run was great... except for the ton of bugs that ended up either in my mouth or in my eyes or stuck somewhere on my sweat soaked skin. And all I could keep thinking over and over again was "Bug in Mouth Disease". That phrase rolled off my tongue unlike the little fuckers that kept getting stuck on it. I couldn't remember where I had heard that and it bothered me all day. But then it popped into my head-it's from one of my favorite websites so here, I always get a kick outta this...hopefully you'll enjoy it too. "Bug In Mouth Disease"


Anonymous said...

When you're finished picking the bugs out of yo grill (heh heh), I wanted to say big thanks for stopping by my blog!

Maria said...

Thanks Doll...your blog cracks me the fuck up-you've been added to my favorites. Lets hope my review on Ask is as good as yours.

Soapin' Cindy said...

That was freakin' bizarre Maria...this is another side of you I haven't seen. I bet you I'll be seeing another side on Friday night! LOL! Yeah, I've been eatin' a bunch of bugs too.

Maria said...

It's seriously one of my favorite websites evah! www.homestarrunner.com
It's got some of the funniest cartoons I've ever seen...a little dark but mostly sarcastic and full of jokes involving the general idiocy of the masses. Once you get to know the characters it's really funny.

And I promise you, you'll see lots of different sides of me this Friday *MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA*

Soapin' Cindy said...

Hey Maria, I put up a goofy profile picture. How's it look?

Anonymous said...

Hey Maria, Red wants to know how her pic looks? I won't say, cause she doesn't want anyone else's oppinion, just your's. You two really do have "a thing" goin on, don't ya?

PS Hate those bugs in my mouth, ears too. I've actually had to stop when they've gone down my throat! Don't even get me going on those horseflies that will follow you for miles (true!) and every time I stop swatting with my arms, they land right between my shoulder blades again...they must get a kick out of my reaction!

Maria said...

Maybe we do, maybe we don't....how much are ya gonna pay me to tell you?? :)

And Red the pic looks great! Maybe this weekend we can ham it up for the camera and I can get a new profile pic as well.

Soapin' Cindy said...

Don't you realize that a man's opinion isn't worth nearly as much as another woman's? Hey...I just figured out how to use the black and white function on my new digital. We can play with that this weekend on our run! I think Tony has a real bad two girl fantasy. I frankly don't think he could handle us! Besides...I want Maria all to myself. Butt out Tony!!! LOL! ;-)

Maria said...

Ahhhh, who doesn't love some girl on girl action?? LOL!

We'll definitely play around with the camera this weekend. I would love to bring mine along too but I don't have a nifty carrying case like you have.