Saturday, February 24, 2007

What's up, Doc?

Webster's Dictionary defines "black ice" as a noun: a nearly transparent film of ice on a dark surface (as a paved road or a body of water) that is difficult to see.

5:35 am on any given morning in February, in Northeast Ohio, is dark. No traffic. Very little streets lights. Dark.

So, can you guess what happens when a runner stumbles across black ice on a dark morning? She thinks of Looney Tunes! There I was, slipping, sliding, as graceful as I could possibly be in such a position, going down faster than the Titanic and all I could think of was Wile E. Coyote. Help! Not Bugs Bunny pirouetting beautifully before he drops into his hole. Help! Wile E. Coyote deadpanning for the camera with the realization on his face that the earth is no longer beneath him. Help! Not cute little Tweety Bird, with "no more little piddys". Help! Wile E. Coyote grasping for land as he heads off the cliff. Help!!

Did I mention it was 5:35am? Actually by that time it was probably only 5:35am and 15 seconds, but you know, it seemed like an eternity before I landed on the very icy, hard, not soft and billowy snow pile.

With the ease of a gazelle, I picked myself and spun like a top. Whew! No one around! Wait! Someone is in the bus stop! They didn't see (or they are saving me embarassment)!! Thank you God!

This did turn out to be one of my better runs I must say. Nothing hurt, not even my pride!

So, what's up doc?


Maria said...

Oooooohhhhhhh.....I SO wish I could've seen that!


Pier said...

Yeah, that's all I would have needed! I can hear you laughing from here!